I’m not sure anything about Gabry is common.
Edit: I had some feed back about the blood and how it shouldn’t be that easy to wipe off. So I added in a layer of dried blood to the last panel and some more not-yet-dried blood. Gabry’s gonna wash it off himself in a page or two anyhow.
I also had some feedback re: the storytelling in general but that’s not so easy an edit, so I’ll just say I’ll try to do better from here on out.
:O Gabry! You have a mouth and chin!
Aw, Gabry, he’s trying to be nice. Let him take care of you, bby, he feels bad and being cared for can feel good.
yes. good. Ahhh.
the nosebleed happened at least half an hour, if not longer, ago. Rubbing it off now must hurt, as the blood is supposed to be dry now. The smell isn’t too cute, either. But hell, who cares about logic and making sense, of course a person would run around with blood covering half of his face, ignore the smell, the changing color when it dries, the taste, that it doesn’t feel too comfortable when the skin underneath is moved (while speaking, because the dry crust breaks due to the movement, a pain like being pinched)… to justify a cute moment when Mr. love-interest wipes the face clean >_< it's really sad
as a love story, there would have been so much potential to this pairing, with really good, romantic moments. The execution, though… I think I'll quit after all. Sorry. It started really well, but then it lost focus, the main plot was shoved aside for NPC-Bonding-time, suddenly, the main pairing returns, like the story suddenly remembered "oh wait! There was something else I wanted to tell!". The Liam/Gabry-moments feel forced, my deus-ex-machina-counter has exploded pages ago, and logic, common sense, natural/in-character dialogues are often sacrified for cliched squee-moments. It's a pity, this could either have been a great love story with a bit more sensible story telling, or the focus should have been different from the beginning, like a Rei-introduction-story, instead of Liam/Gabry. Then, the sudden, rushed and forced Liam/Gabry-moments wouldn't feel like they were added out of guilt because the pairing had been forgotten. I'm sorry that this is not the kind of feedback that is usually appreciated, especially by uncritical fans. But I think an author/artist, who is clever and ambitious and wishes to make profit with her work also needs negative criticism. With a constant, polite "omg kawaiiii", seeing where to improve is difficult. Anway, good luck for the future!
Seriously? Gabry gets the crap beat out of him by his sleazebag boyfriend, he gets hit by a VAN, but he doesn’t whine about a little dried-on blood getting wiped off, and THAT’S what did it for you? Really?
Let Kytri tell her own story. I, for one, am thoroughly enjoying it. The plot is great because it has a lot of layers. It’s a shame some people can’t see beyond the surface.
She is telling her story and she is doing an EXCELLENT job of doing so. If you do not like what she is doing, so be it. If you continue to dislike it, you have permission to leave, but I do appreciate your more civil tone than what other haters would use. This story, to me, is progressing beautifully, and I hope she will continue updating it.
Chillax you guys. The story is getting rushed to the romance part, all of a sudden Liam is having considerations for Gabry? I know you guys enjoy Kyrti’s stories and all that. But this one in particular is kind of downgrading now. Everyone’s entitled to share their own thoughts throughout the internet, and we should all understand that. Criticize does help the author improve a bit. Looking at the pairing rather than the stories plot is disappointing me, you guys are forgetting the importance in the background, the other characters, ect. And the story is losing that piece by piece. I’m proud you guys are protecting her and all that, but take consideration on other people too you know? It’s not a hate, troll comment, or whatever you think it is. It’s very much criticize at its finest. I do hope you do continue your story though Kyrti, have fun you guys.
Although I am a fan of the comic, I do have to agree with Lemonthrower and Dippedshits. I’ve noticed people do jump to Kytri’s defence blindly when someone offers critique, but people seem to forget that there is a difference between critique and mindless criticism. The point Lemonthrower has is fair, dried blood would never clean off as easily as that, even if the cloth was wet, it would require some scrubbing. From the panel we can see that Liam used a dry paper towel, and even if he wet it first, why would Gabry allow the time for Liam to scrub it off, and only then stop him?
I love Liam and Gabry as a couple, I do, but it really does seem kinda tacked on in this story. It’s like Kytri’s remembered ‘oh yeah, this is a Gabry and Liam comic’ just now, and decided that she needed to include it. It was only earlier in the day (comic timeline-wise) Liam was saying ‘Gabry’s not in love with me, he’s just a slut’ and now, only a few hours later he’s tenderly cleaning off Gabry’s face? It doesn’t fit.
I do want to see this relationship start and blossom, I really do, but I don’t want to see it as an afterthought, or something that’s shoehorned in.
FFFFF I wrote a ten paragraph response to this damn thing and then the spam filter killed it.
Short version – yes, blood is hard to clean up, good criticism. No, wiping blood off someone who’s drenched in it does not automatically mean “I want to bang you.” Yes, saying the romance is shoehorned in when none of it’s happened yet (aside from aforementioned I-want-to-bang-you first aid) is jumping the gun. And yes, it is possible for me to think your criticism is wrong without me being a frothing fanboy.
…it doesn’t seem so much like “tenderly cleaning off” as “shit, I hit this guy and I feel really guilty about it and he seems kind of pathetic right now, maybe I can make up for that” with a side of “that uncleaned-up mess is bothering me like whoa and I can’t help my friend so I have to do SOMETHING.” Gabry might feel a bit flattered at the attention, but there are several reasons Liam might be mopping up Gabry besides deep affection.
I knew I should have responded to this last night, but I wasn\’t sure I had a coherent response. I probably don\’t now.
I just wanted to make it clear that I do read these kind of comments and take them into consideration. I hope I\’ve never said anything to imply that I only want praising comments, because that\’s not how I feel at all.
I don’t think you’ve ever come across that way tbh. It’s the fans who jump up at the slightest bit of critique, and claim it’s a troll.
Pretty sure you’re the first person to use the word troll on this one.
First of I am not a paying fan yet, (I need a bit mor moony between my hans first) but I love your story, it is your one and it is original. And your story should remain yours, also in the way of telling it. Don’t listen to what others say is the main part of you story. They can’t know that, it is your story.
I have seen you get a lot of complantes about logic and hav things work in our world and universe, but what is it that dictates there world to the one we live on? It could be a paralel world that works simuler, but different.
Sorry rages on Trolls.
Call me insensitive, but…
1) The blood is gone
2) Gabry is shirtless
3) Kiss!
4) ?
I stand corrected.
I love your story the way it is.
[quote]but there are several reasons Liam might be mopping up Gabry besides deep affection.[/quote]
i totally agree with this.