47: Still here Jan14 on January 14, 2012 Chapter: Uncategorized That is the most strategically placed blanket I have ever drawn. └ Tags: Gabry, Rei
So the whole point of them going, (to remove the bruises) has now been completely undone. At least Gabry and Rei seem to be off to a good start.
dat armpit is nothing compared to reimu's
but still, that's a pretty great armpit he has there
"Don't worry, I'll untie myself in a sec… just gotta give disgruntled looks while I catch my breath…
Oh hey Rei, you still here?"
"A mostly ordinary-"
"oh you're on fire"
AH REI DON'T TOUCH HIM *braces self for fire and/or explosions*
2nd panel, Gabry's hair is like my hair in the morning.
Minus you being tied up, naked and bruised I hope? 0n0
Emphasis, 'Maybe'. ^.^ *
new page.
Goes in to get rid of bruises
comes out with more bruises
Aw, Gabry. ;_; Once again: that man is bad news. Why do you hang out with him again?
Oh hi Rei! This is Gabry. He's mostly nice.
Whoa, he actually went through with it… but then sex is never NOT an option with Gabry.
Also, Avery, a gentleman would untie the person who just offered him bondage sexy-time.
I think the problem is that you followed the name 'Avery' with the words 'A Gentleman'. Avery's the anti-gentleman. A nameltneg, if you will.
True, it just seems especially dickish to leave him tied up. I guess Avery is the pure embodiment of Assholery.
Also, I'm going to use Nameltneg in everyday conversation now. XD
To recap: Just today, Avery has stolen money from Gabry to pay for a sex slave and then bruised Gabry even more. Frankly, I'd say leaving him tied up isn't even in the top five most dickish thing done all day.
Gentleman avery is like gumbo shrimp…
What do they call it? An oxymoron?
I think you mean Jumbo shrimp. Gumbo is a stew from Louisiana and thereabouts.
Oxymoron is the word you're looking for, though. YOU ARE CORRECT SIR
There should be a band called The Strategically Placed Blanket.
I'd listen to it.
Bondage in the name of altruism. Only you, Gabry.