Oh hey I think this page contains a plot point.
Next weekend I’ll be in Maryland again for Intervention. I’ll have a table and be selling stuff, including the TWIYEH book and sketch commissions.
I’m probably going to have to put Cuanta Vida on hold until after then, since I’m so busy with work and have a ton of work to catch up on with this comic and Worst Idea which will continue to update normally. Sorry guys.
Noooooo, not Cuanta Vida!
Naw, I can understand your having to put you webcomics on hold. Real life always comes before the internet! Make sure you're happy before the internet!
I wouldn't mind if she put them all on hold but how come she is still updating worst idea just not cuanta vida!??
Wth. Are you paying her for drawing this stuff? I think not. So she can do whatever she wants I think. Be happy there is a person drawing comics so you can read them for free.
I probably would pay her to update cuanta vida more it's just that ever since worst idea she's been updating cuanta vida every 3 weeks to a month and worst idea 1 or 2 times a week and it's just the fact that she is ONLY stopping cuanta vida which is her best work is aggravating, besides she updates it so rarely now what's another week?….and tons of people write free online comics you just buy the books if you want them so dont play that card.
The point, though, is that Cuanta Vida is a fancomic, whereas Worst Idea and Sin Pararse are original. As far as I'm aware (and correct me if I'm wrong), Cuanta Vida couldn't be sold BECAUSE it's a fan creation, based on someone else's copyright. There's absolutely nothing wrong with Kytri's wanting to focus on the comics that she can actually make money off of, that are her own intellectual property.
Worst Idea is her long term project, so it's the one she has to look after. Sin Pararse is a donation comic, so the pages have to come out when the donation reaches it's goal.
Cuanta Vida is a fancomic, one she's legally not allowed to make any money from. As Kytri eventually wants to make a living off her comics, it makes sense that she works on the ones that will help her do that, not the TF2 fancomic which is ending soon anyway.
Kytri needs to think about her future, and Cuanta Vida, a fancomic, is the least likely to help with that.
Also, you saying Cuanta Vida is her best work is an opinion, one which I respectfully disagree with.
I know but it's actually BECAUSE shes so close to the end and suddenly she almost never posts anymore that'd aggravating and opinion or not I just think it's her best work because it had the most fans not that I'm insulting her other work it's just that cv is really good!!
Anon, you're being childish. Kytri is not obligated to continue work on a nonprofitable comic just because you want her too, especially when she's said multiple times that she's trying to make money off of her work. This is not a surprise, and I don't see why it should bother you to the point of making a fool of yourself on the internet. Am I saying you can't be disappointed? Of course not; I'm eager to see what happens too. But making an arse of yourself about it is not the proper way to express it.
Also, CV has more fans because a lot of people like TF2 and don't read the other comics for various reasons. It's the fact that it is a fancomic that garners it its audience; things tend to work that way if you don't have a huge advertising company at your disposal.
Well the fans I know and me have never played TF2 I just think the writing is really good and it just feels like she's ignoring us cv fans also anon isnt my name it's just short for anonymous… and I actualy this is the internet being childish would just be those douche bags who just start swearing and yelling in caps I'm actualy being quite calm about this
You realise people refer to anyone using anonymous is referred to as Anon on the internet, right?
I think Bifrost is referring to you as being childish because you seem to have this attitude where just because the comic you like is stopped, all of them should be stopped. We've explained why Kytri has chosen to stop CV and not the others, and that should be enough.
I doubt the attitude you're portraying is going to encourage her to lift the hiatus, either.
ya i realize that its just they were refering to anon like it was my user name or something and if she posted normally i would care if she had to put one or two on hold but she posts so rarely for cv i wouldnt have noticed anything weird with another week i used to check cv every couple of days hoping for knew page just incase now i visit the site just to check every couple of weeks and i dont care if this sounds childish but clearly its not just the comic I like because the average cv page gets anywhere beetween like 35 to 85 comments worst idea gets 5 to 15 i wasnt going to say that and sound like an asshole but since you guys think im being one anyway i couldnt keep it in any longer.
Anon, they referred to you as Anon being your username, because, you know, the field that says name? That's kind of what people refer to you as. Anyway, she can do whatever the hell she wants, she has absolutely NO obligation to continue ANY of them. Your whining will solve nothing and likely merely alienates Kytri herself. If you can't accept that she's willing to continue some of her ideas yet not others? That's a little sad, to be honest.
Be a little more mature.
out of all the people who I have been debating with including me have been making our points across in a mature matter(well mybe not the first guy who was just like wth) this is actually the most whiny comment in this argument ive read…you are a sad, sad little man, and you have my pitty.A
To be honest I think this whole thing is stupid. Don't reply to anon, you've made your point, and if he doesn't get it know, it's likely he never will. Everyone has stated their opinion, and it's true, It can seem unfair that cuanta Vida stops when the rest don't, but she has a future to look out for, and she needs to work on the profitable comics. To be honest, for a non-profit comic, she's put a lot of work and effort into it, and you should be glad of that, anon, instead of taking it for granted.
Re: name: I'm calling you Anon because you've given no other name. Not really something I ever saw as odd.
Re: everything else: I'd ask if you were twelve but I know twelve-year-olds who are more mature that you're acting. We already knew you thought that way because of other statements about the number of fans CV has versus SP or TWIYEH, but I'll spell it out plainly so that it maybe gets through your head this time.
Kytri is paying for this site out of her own pocket for you to enjoy. She cannot legally make money off of CV, which is, along with the forums, the heaviest source of bandwidth strain on the site. SP and TWIYEH are things she is legally able to profit from. While paying for the site, she also must pay for food and bills. She cannot, realistically, devote scarce resources to something she cannot make money off of when the others are more immediately profitable, and if she never picked CV up again because she couldn't afford it, while I would feel sad that we never got to see the end, I would understand why she did so.
I hadn't thought it would be that difficult to understand that she isn't there for your entertainment. :/
Wow, you really are whiny.
That's what I do when I have to do homework.
Holy shit! You're going to Intervention? That's literally five minutes away from where I live.
I thought about going to intervention this year, but I settled for SPX instead. I TOTALLY REGRET EVERYTHING NOW.
My goodness Gabry is angry.
Oooh I wonder if Liam and Milosh got a similar brown envelope
I hope your wrong -_-', I don't want anything to happen to ANY of them.
Where's the fun in that?
That would be hilarious in a really dark way. It'd be like meet-cute, but instead of falling in love with each other in a quirky misunderstanding, they're trying to kill each other! Or both.
Wow! The plot thickens….
I got a paypal now, so I'm going to donate SO HARD.
Is it wrong that I'm imagining gabry being stuck to the door as it opens?
Unrelated: Gabry, before you throw that into a fire, get the personal information! It makes it so much easier to stalk/ continue befriending those two!
Fwapt. Crunch.
On a side note, I like how you did Gabry's face in panel 6.
upon further inspection, he DOES look purple-er in that one close up….
does rob seem toothless to anybody else?
cannot. unsee.
thats gross!
D: well then. Plot thickening-ness.
Also Gabry is adorkable.
…And I've realized that his hair looks like that of Gaius Baltar from Battlestar Galactica. Derp nerdiness.
Well, I just noticed how skinny Engi (his name is Rob, I think) is in this comic. Is he also like that in CV, because that's an interesting deviation from the Engineer character, but you seem to keep the other characters mostly intact.
This is kind of late and ultra random, but on Milosh's page, does it show that his birthday is 4-10?? I can't tell if that is a 6 or a 0…
I had to double check the high res copy but I believe it is a 6.
X) Thanks for looking! The reason why I asked is because 4-10 is my birthday… and I think Milosh is awesome, so the thought of me sharing a birthday with him made me kind of have a fan-girl moment… yeah… o.o