It’s been a while hasn’t it? I suppose the lull in donations worked out well though since it gave me time to move and start my new job. That said I hope they’ll pick up again.
Also I’m almost done with the first Worst Idea book! I’m so excited!
It’s been a while hasn’t it? I suppose the lull in donations worked out well though since it gave me time to move and start my new job. That said I hope they’ll pick up again.
Also I’m almost done with the first Worst Idea book! I’m so excited!
You… you're very straightforward, aren't you, Milosh? Not only is that REALLY not helping the brewing fanfic idea of mine, now I do not know whether to be d'awwing or laughing hysterically at him. Incidentally, makes me wonder why Gabry would doubt the drink in the first place. Does Milosh have a rep of some sort?
Also, what would you bet Liam's next comment is "none of your bloody business"?
Also, yeah, the art is as gorgeous as everything you do always is. I'm trying not to get jealous, I really am.
Milosh, you can DEFINATELY stay.
Not that Gabry's much less subtle there with his "So would you actually be interested or…" subtext.
Oooh I love those last two pics xD
Your expressions are always so awesome.
Last panel. I spy with my little eye a sandvich on the table.
"Yeah, well you 'did' a vampire last night and he got all blood crazed and feral."
And now I really want a sandwich.
Milosh in panel two… Lol.
I… I can’t leave a proper comment; laughing too hard. Eeheehee, Liam’s reaction is beautiful, and Gabry immediately being interested… Ah, I love your characters.
On a more serious note– the missing information from their employer(s) very much piques my interest. Can’t wait to see where it goes!
Ugh, if only I wasn’t a jobless, allowance-less high school student, I’d defintely donate x^x
Milosh is either drunk or clueless…
i nearly choked on air when i read this XP
I read that as choked on hair, then i thought of how Milosh's hair is stronger than mere panel borders
Panel 7 & 8 made me laugh so much. XD you drew liams face so perfect!!!!
MILOSH! Don't embarrass me in front of strangers like that! /////
Damn that Milosh hair. Destroying pannel borders since page 26.
I laughed.
I rarely laugh.
I keel you last.
the page in which everyone's sexual preferences are put on the table
Milosh has no shame